

Exploring New Light and Color In and Color Instruments for Multidisciplinary Students’ Use: Empirical Properties of Existing Building Illumination and the Effects of Light on Color Samples

Hebert, P.R.
Petrova, A.
Clare, G.
Pei, Y.

Department of Design, Housing, and Merchandising, College of Human Sciences, Oklahoma State University

The effects of light and color are vital concerns in design and architecture education. This study describes the strategic acquisition of instruments to support the curriculum of a large, multi-disciplinary department in the south central United States. The addition of a spectrometer data logger, simultaneous color viewer system and smart and color matching booth enhanced the capabilities of the design-oriented program to increase student understanding of color theory. The new equipment supports curricula throughout the diverse courses offered within the program and provides students with applied skills transferable to multiple industry sectors who use similar technologies.

Keywords: color, light, students, multidisciplinary

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